Microsoft® Windows® Embedded Server Products Guide
InTroduCInG WIndoWS EMbEddEd SErvEr ProduCTS
Microsoft® Windows® Embedded Server products give oEMs a powerful way to leverage the advanced
Windows Server technology that is part of the Microsoft server product portfolio. These server software
products provide the infrastructure for IT operations, security, application integration, and collaboration.
ThE rIghT sErvEr TEchnOlOgy, ThE rIghT prIcE fOr OEMs
Windows Embedded Server products include optimized operating systems and server application
software to address key dedicated server and server appliance deployment scenarios. because
Windows Embedded Server products are designed and licensed to provide specific server functionality
within an IT infrastructure, Microsoft makes these server technologies available to OEMs at favorable
royalty rates when compared to Microsoft general purpose operating systems. The result is powerful
server technology at a price that oEMs can utilize to compete in price-sensitive markets.
a SMarT ChoICE for oEMS and ThEIr End CuSToMErS
More and more independent analysts and leading companies are finding that Windows server
technology outperforms linux on total cost of ownership (TcO), reliability, security, and indemnification
from intellectual property risks. for dedicated server and server appliance solutions, the choice is more
clear than ever: Windows Embedded Server products.
SofTWarE and rESourCES you nEEd To GET To MarkET faST
Windows Embedded server products provide several key advantages to OEMs, including:
reduced time-to-market through use of Microsoft-provided development tools and
documentation, and software that is compatible with commodity hardware and industry
standard protocols.
opportunity to add unique value through the extensible nature of the Microsoft Server
product portfolio and breadth of available third-party Independent Software vendors
(Isv) solutions.
lower support and training needs for customers because of the hardened, streamlined
nature of dedicated server and server appliance solutions.
» Greater productivity as Windows Embedded Server products are easier for customers to
deploy, manage, and use in existing Microsoft Windows operating system environments.
02 ProduCTS SuMMary
SErvEr SoluTIonS ThaT CuSToMErS WanT
dedicated server and server appliance solutions that run Windows Embedded Server products can help
end customers add functionality and capacity to their IT infrastructures in a very scalable and cost-
effective way. dedicated server and server appliance solutions running Windows Embedded Server
products offer end customers:
preconfigured hardware and software solutions optimized to excel at their task
» Systems designed to quickly connect to existing IT infrastructures and to be managed easily
licensing and engineering to reduce TcO, while ensuring reliable performance
Today’s discerning IT customers demand best-of-breed server solutions that are easy to use and even
easier on their budgets. Windows Embedded Server products provide oEMs with the means to meet
these customer demands and capitalize on a significant revenue opportunity.
The diagram on the page to the right demonstrates the breadth of server device types that can be
developed based on Windows Embedded Server products.
Windows Embedded Server Solution Characteristics
preconfigured hardware and software solutions
EaSy To SET uP
» Plug-and-Play deployment–often in less than an hour
fast, simple connectivity to an existing network infrastructure
function-specific management utilities
» Seamless integration with existing Windows-based networks
» Interoperability with clients regardless of their operating system
EaSy To ManaGE
hIGh PErforManCE
loW CoST
» Industry-leading functionality and integration
» Built-in reliability, availability, and security features
» low acquisition cost
» low total cost of ownership
» Minimal maintenance requirements
» Enables reallocation of computing power of existing assets
ProduCTS SuMMary dIaGraM and ChooSEr
SElECT ThE WIndoWS EMbEddEd SErvEr To fIT your nEEdS
PaGE 19
Line-of-business applications, i.e.,
accounting, database, e-mail, word
processing, etc.
rEfEr To MICroSofT’S nonEMbEddEd WIndoWS
SErvEr PlaTforMS. SEE faqs #6-7
What type of application are
you planning to provide on
your server product?
An industry- and task-specific embedded
application that provides the primary
functionality of the embedded server.
Is the embedded application to be preinstalled with the operating
system onto the server before being sold?
PaGE 04
Will the embedded system provide authentication or network
infrastructure services such as Active Directory® or require a connected
keyboard, monitor, or mouse to perform its dedicated purpose?
MICroSofT WIndoWS SErvEr 2003 r2 for
What type of embedded server solution are you planning to build?
PaGE 05
File server, network attached storage, storage area network (SAN), gateway,
backup server, disaster recovery, other storage solution
MICroSofT WIndoWS SToraGE SErvEr
2003 r2 for EMbEddEd SySTEMS
PaGE 06
PaGE 07
Server appliance with your own embedded application that provides the primary
functionality of the solution
MICroSofT WIndoWS SErvEr 2003 for
aPPlIanCE SofTWarE vErSIon 3.0
Servers for: PBX, IP PBX, automated attendant, interactive voice response (IVR),
other specialized telecommunications applications
MICroSofT WIndoWS SErvEr 2003 for
SErvEr aPPlIanCE SofTWarE 3.0
PaGE 08
Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server for high-performance computing
SErvEr 2003
PaGE 10
Virtual private network (VPN), firewall, web cache server, SSL VPN, antivirus
MICroSofT WIndoWS SErvEr 2003 r2 for
and aCCElEraTIon SErvEr 2006
PaGE 12
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Branch Office Appliance for caching,
collaboration, file and print, wide area network (WAN)
MICroSofT WIndoWS SErvEr 2003 branCh
offICE aPPlIanCE
PaGE 13
Do you need a backup device for the Windows-based servers?
Do you need a backend database for the embedded application?
2006 for EMbEddEd SySTEMS
PaGE 14
MICroSofT Sql SErvEr 2005 for EMbEddEd
04 MICroSofT WIndoWS SErvEr 2003 r2 for EMbEddEd SySTEMS
dedicated server and server appliance solutions running Windows Server 2003 r2 for Embedded
systems are typically designed to meet the needs of specific vertical markets. As with all Windows
Embedded server operating systems, Windows server 2003 r2 for Embedded systems is licensed to
provide specific server functionality within an IT infrastructure.
Windows Server 2003 r2 for Embedded Systems is based on the same core software as the general
purpose versions of Windows Server 2003 r2. Windows Server 2003 r2 is a highly productive server
operating system with built-in security, reliability, and availability features. Windows server 2003 r2
includes plug and play support, support for the latest communications protocols, and native support
for Active Directory, .nET, and XMl to easily connect information, people, systems, and devices.
Windows Server 2003 r2 includes several new technologies that make it easier to extend connectivity
and control to identities, locations, data, and applications throughout and beyond an organization.
Windows Server 2003 r2 for Embedded Systems takes advantage of the stability and security of the
Windows Server 2003 r2 code base while extending connectivity and control into new areas. Windows
Server 2003 r2 for Embedded Systems includes improvements relating to:
Identity and access management
application development inside and outside an organization’s traditional boundaries
Storage setup and management
Branch office server management
Windows Server 2003 r2 for Embedded Systems differs from Window Server 2003 r2 exclusively in the
licensing provisions. oEMs license the software for use in dedicated server environments at a reduced
royalty rate and with licensing terms applicable to the embedded market. The software foundation is
the same.
streaming media (EcDn) server
document imaging server
» Medical imaging
» Miscellaneous server solutions with
» Security and surveillance
qualifying embedded application(s)
oEM lICEnSablE ProduCTS:
WILL the SeRVeR Be
designed to participate in a Microsoft cluster?
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
enterprise edition (1-8 CPU)
» 32-bit or 64-bit
» 25 CALs
» add’l CALs available
If yEs,
If nO,
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
standard edition (1-4 CPU)
» 32-bit or 64-bit
» 5 CALs
» add’l CALs available
1note: previous versions of Windows server 2003 for Embedded systems, including Windows server 2003 for Embedded systems with service pack One
(sp1) only (prior to r2), are also available for license. please contact a Microsoft Authorized Embedded Distributor for details.
MICroSofT WIndoWS SToraGE SErvEr 2003 r2
for EMbEddEd SySTEMS
Windows storage server 2003 r2 is a dedicated file and print server operating system based on
Windows Server 2003 r2 that is designed for dependability and provides exceptional value in
networked storage. Windows Storage Server 2003 r2 integrates seamlessly with existing infrastructures
and supports heterogeneous file serving as well as backup and replication of stored data. Windows
storage server r2 is also an ideal solution for consolidating multiple file servers into a single solution
that enables cost reduction and policy-based management of storage resources.
Windows Storage Server 2003 r2 also includes advanced availability features such as replication and
server clustering. Because Windows storage server 2003 r2 solutions are preconfigured, they can be
deployed in minutes, and the Microsoft Management console-based user interface—new with r2—
makes management easy. Windows storage server 2003 r2 integrates with existing infrastructures, so
enterprises can make full use of commonly used network environments and standard management
software, as well as integrate seamlessly with Active Directory. Windows storage server 2003 r2
includes new technologies to manage a variety of file-and-print-related activities and tasks in branch
offices, including:
publishing files from centralized hubs to branch offices
replicating files from branch locations for backup, fault tolerance, or cross-publishing
» Efficiently managing printers, printer drivers, and print queues in branch offices
» Single instance storage to reduce storage capacity needs and simplify storage management
» Increase collaboration and consolidate storage with SharePoint Services
file and print serving consolidation
sAn gateway for file services
disk target for backup
» Miscellaneous storage server solutions
with qualifying embedded application(s)
oEM lICEnSablE ProduCTS:
WILL the SeRVeR hAVe
1 CPU, 2 or fewer AtA disks, and 1 network connection?
Microsoft Windows Storage
Server 2003 R2 express
edition (1 CPU)
» 32-bit or 62-bit
» no print service
If nO,
If yEs,
» up to 2 disk drives » no CALs required
» 1 NIC only
1 CPU, 4 or fewer AtA disks, and 2 or fewer network connections?
Microsoft Windows Storage
Server 2003 R2 Workgroup
edition (1 CPU)
» 32-bit or 62-bit
» no print service
If nO,
» up to 4 disk drives » no CALs required
» up to 2 NICs
If yEs,
be designed to participate in a Microsoft cluster?
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 R2
» 32-bit or 62-bit
If yEs,
enterprise edition (1-8 CPU)
» unlimited disk drives
» unlimited NICs
WILL the SeRVeR Be DeSIgNeD to
If nO,
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 R2
standard edition (1-4 CPU)
» print service allowed
» no CALs required
include iSCSI target with management software?
Microsoft Windows Unified Data Storage Server » 32-bit or 62-bit
If yEs,
2003 standard edition (1-4 CPU)
» up to 2 disk drives
» 1 NIC only
include iSCSI target with management software and participate in a
Microsoft cluster?
» no print service
» no CALs required
Microsoft Windows Unified Data Storage Server
2003 enterprise edition (1-8 CPU)
If yEs,
1note: previous versions of Windows storage server 2003, including Windows storage server 2003 with service pack One (sp1) only (prior to r2), are also
available for license. Please contact a Microsoft authorized Embedded distributor for details.
06 MICroSofT WIndoWS SErvEr 2003 for EMbEddEd SySTEMS
WITh ThE SErvEr aPPlIanCE SofTWarE 3.0
Windows Server 2003 for Embedded Systems with the Server appliance Software 3.0 is available to
oEMs building dedicated server or server appliance solutions designed to meet the server needs of
specific vertical markets.
As with all Windows Embedded server operating systems, Windows server 2003 for Embedded
Systems with the Server appliance Software 3.0 is based on the same core software as the general
purpose versions of Windows server 2003, but is licensed to provide specific server functionality within
an IT infrastructure.
Unlike with Windows server 2003 r2 for Embedded systems (see page 4), dedicated server and
server appliance solutions running Windows Server 2003 for Embedded Systems with the Server
Appliance software 3.0 must be “headless” devices—without connection to a local keyboard, mouse, or
monitor—that are remotely managed.
The included Server appliance Software 3.0 runs on top of the Windows Server 2003 for Embedded
Systems operating system and provides oEMs with a default Web browser–based interface for system
management. The default Web browser–based user interface can be modified, customized, or replaced
by the oEM’s own Web-based user interface.
» antivirus server
» E-mail filtering server
network traffic monitoring server
» Miscellaneous server solutions with qualifying embedded application(s)
oEM lICEnSablE ProduCTS
WILL the SeRVeR Be
designed to participate in a Microsoft cluster?
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with the
Server Appliance Software 3.0
enterprise edition (1-8 CPU)
» SP11
If yEs,
» no CALs required
» 32-bit only
If nO,
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with the
Server Appliance Software 3.0
standard edition (1-4 CPU)
» SP11
» no CALs required
» 32-bit only
1note: As of August 2006, Windows server 2003 for Embedded systems with the server Appliance software 3.0 runs only on sp1 versions of Windows
Server 2003. It is not available with Windows Server 2003 r2. Please check with a Microsoft authorized Embedded distributor regarding availability for r2.
MICroSofT WIndoWS SErvEr 2003 for TElECoMMunICaTIonS
SySTEMS WITh ThE SErvEr aPPlIanCE SofTWarE 3.0
Microsoft offers a special oEM version of Windows Server 2003 to provide a server operating
system platform that meets the application-specific needs of the telecommunications market. With
Windows server 2003 for Telecommunications systems with the server Appliance software 3.0, OEMs
can leverage the improvements and new features of Windows server 2003 to build versatile, easily
manageable, and dependable telecommunications solutions.
Windows Server 2003 for Telecommunications Systems with the Server appliance Software 3.0
includes the same software or technologies included in Windows Server 2003 for Embedded
systems with the server Appliance software 3.0 (see page 6), such as the familiarity of the
developer environment, interoperability with other Windows-based servers, and integration with
a rich set of server applications such as Microsoft Sql Server and Microsoft Exchange Server. In
addition, this product enables features and functionality to facilitate the operation of embedded
telecommunications systems.
dedicated server or server appliance solutions running Windows Server 2003 for Telecommunications
systems with the server Appliance software 3.0 must be remotely managed, “headless” devices—
without connection to a local keyboard, mouse, or monitor. server Appliance software 3.0 provides
oEMs with a default Web browser–based interface for system management. The default Web
browser–based user interface can be modified, customized, or replaced by the OEM’s own Web-based
user interface.
pBX server
» Call center server
» Ivr server
voice Mail
» Teleconferencing server
» Miscellaneous telecommunication
server solutions with qualifying
embedded application(s)
Ip pBX
Servers running Windows Server 2003
for Telecommunications Systems
oEM lICEnSablE ProduCT
» 5 CALs included,
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for
» SP1
telecommunications Systems with the Server
» no CALs required
Appliance Software 3.0 (1-4 CPU)
» 25 CALs included,
additional CALs
1note: As of August 2006, Windows server 2003 for Telecommunications systems with the server Appliance software 3.0 runs only on sp1 versions
of Windows Server 2003. It is not available with Windows Server 2003 r2. Please check with a Microsoft authorized Embedded distributor regarding
availability for r2.
08 MICroSofT WIndoWS CoMPuTE CluSTEr SErvEr 2003
a major challenge for realizing personal supercomputing has been the complexity of deployment and
management. Microsoft has supported fault-tolerant and high-availability clustering for many years,
but with the release of Microsoft Windows compute cluster server (ccs) 2003, Microsoft brings the
supercomputing power of high-performance computing (hpc) to the personal and workgroup level.
ccs provides an integrated application platform for developing, deploying, running, and managing
hpc applications. Using this platform, individuals and organizations can perform multimode workload
computing using commodity x64 (64-bit x86) hardware in an environment that will shorten their time
to insight.
Windows compute cluster server 2003 brings together the power of commodity x64 computers,
the ease of use and security of Active Directory, and the Windows operating system to provide a
secure and affordable hPC solution. CCS can be easily and quickly deployed using standard Windows
deployment technologies, and additional compute nodes can be added to the compute cluster by
simply plugging in the nodes and connecting them. The Microsoft Message passing Interface (MpI)
implementation is fully compatible with the reference MPICh2. Integration with active directory helps
enable role-based security for administration and users, and the use of Microsoft Management console
provides a familiar administrative and scheduling interface. Additionally, Microsoft visual studio® 2005
development system includes support for parallel job development and debugging.
Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 is available to oEMs who want to build and develop compute-
intensive solutions quickly and easily by leveraging a set of well-supported application programming
interfaces (ApIs) and protocol interfaces.
simplified cluster Deployment
and Management
ccs offers rapid node deployment and cluster configuration, monitoring tools, and policy-
based scheduling, which provides a scalable management environment that is easy to use.
better Integration with IT
ccs integrates seamlessly with existing Windows infrastructure, allowing customers to
leverage the existing skills and technology for system and node management, workload
management, user management, and security.
broad application Support
ccs is supported by leading applications in each target vertical, allowing customers to
deploy mainstream applications with a broad base of support. an integrated software
stack designed and targeted for hPC market allows developers to build a broad range of
applications and tools.
familiar development
developing applications for CCS allows developers to leverage their existing Windows-
based skills and experience. Microsoft visual Studio is the most widely used integrated
development environment (IDE) in the industry, and visual studio 2005 includes support
for developing hpc applications (e.g., parallel debugger). ccs includes an integrated MpI
layer based on the industry-standard MpI2 specification, making it easier to port existing
parallel applications.
» aircraft design utilizing composite materials
vehicle fuel efficiency and safety improvements
simulations of enzyme catalysis, protein folding
» aircraft design utilizing composite materials
» Simulation of nanoscale electronic devices
financial portfolio risk modeling
digital content creation and enhancement
» Supply chain modeling and optimization
TyPICal WIndoWS CoMPuTE CluSTEr SErvEr 2003 nETWork:
MoM Server
Mail Server
active directory
file Server
public (corporate)
head node
Compute node
Compute node
Compute node
oEM lICEnSablE ProduCT
WILL the SeRVeR Be
designed to participate in a Microsoft cluster?
Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server
2003 enterprise edition (1-4 CPU)
» 64-bit only
If yEs,
Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server
2003 standard edition (1-4 CPU)
» 64-bit only
If nO,
note: As of October 2006, ccs has planned availability through distribution of January 2007.
10 MICroSofT WIndoWS SErvEr 2003 r2 for EMbEddEd SySTEMS
WITh InTErnET SECurITy and aCCElEraTIon SErvEr 2006
Microsoft Internet security and Acceleration (IsA) server 2006 is the integrated edge security gateway
that helps protect IT environments from Internet-based threats while providing users with fast and
secure remote access to applications and data. IsA server 2006 is an advanced firewall, vpn, and
Web-caching solution that enables customers to improve network security and performance.
features of ISa Server 2006 include:
secure Application publishing: enables organizations to make their Exchange server,
Microsoft Office sharepoint® portal server 2003, and other Web application servers
accessible in a secure manner to remote users outside the corporate network
» Branch Office gateway: organizations can connect to and secure their branch offices, while
efficiently utilizing network bandwidth
» Web access Protection: helps organizations protect their environments from internally and
externally originating Internet-based threats
IsA server 2006 provides advanced protection, ease of use, and fast, secure access for all types of
networks. IsA server 2006 is particularly well suited for protecting Microsoft applications and services,
such as Microsoft Office, Office Outlook® Web Access 2003, sharepoint portal server 2003, Internet
Information services (IIs), routing and remote Access services, Active Directory, and many other
Microsoft applications, servers, and services.
Microsoft licenses a special version of ISa Server 2006 to oEMs building dedicated servers and server
appliances that provide IT security or Web-performance services. The embedded version of ISa Server
2006 is licensed together with a Windows Server 2003 for Embedded Systems operating system (see
page 4), packaged together as a server platform.
Windows Server 2003 r2 for Embedded Systems with ISa Server 2006 is based on the same software
as the generally available, retail versions of Windows server 2003 and IsA server 2006. The main
difference is that the software must be used on dedicated servers or server appliances. In addition, the
embedded version of ISa Server 2006 comes with special hardening tools to help oEMs optimize the
security of the ISa Server 2006 application software and the Windows Server 2003 operating system.
both the Windows Server 2003 operating system and ISa Server 2006 software must be preinstalled on
the dedicated server or server appliance solution.
vPn server
firewall server
» Web-caching server
» SSl vPn
» antivirus
EXAMplE Of sEcUrE ApplIcATIOn pUBlIshIng WITh MIcrOsOfT IsA sErvEr 2006:
remote laptop
Exchange Servers
active directory Server
SharePoint Server
Microsoft ISa Server 2006
Corporate hq
oEM lICEnSablE ProduCTS
Web-caching only?
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
standard edition and Microsoft
Internet and Acceleration Server 2006
standard edition
» 1 CPU
If yEs,
» caching only
If nO,
» no VPN connection restrictions
» no CALs required
» 32-bit only
firewall/VPN only?
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
standard edition and Microsoft
Internet and Acceleration Server 2006
standard edition
» 1 CPU
» firewall only
If nO,
If yEs,
If yEs,
» up to 100 VPN connections
» no CALs required
» 32-bit only
Web-caching AND firewall supporting < 100 VPN connections?
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
Workgroup edition and
Microsoft Internet and Acceleration
Server 2006 standard edition
» 1 CPU
» up to 100 VPN connections
» no CALs required
» 32-bit only
If nO,
Web-caching AND firewall supporting < 1000 VPN connections?
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
standard edition and Microsoft
Internet and Acceleration Server 2006
standard edition
» 1 CPU
» up to 1000 VPN connections
» no CALs required
» 32-bit only
If nO,
Web-caching, firewall supporting, AND cluster support for < 4000 VPN
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
standard edition and Microsoft
Internet and Acceleration Server 2006
enterprise edition
» 1 CPU
If yEs,
» up to 4000 VPN connections
» no CALs required
» 32-bit only
12 MICroSofT WIndoWS branCh offICE aPPlIanCE
Microsoft recognizes that organizations with branch offices spend too much time and money
managing IT systems remotely. The Microsoft Branch Office solution helps to simplify delivery of
services to the branch office. It offers the distributed enterprise an easy-to-manage, security-enhanced,
high-performance infrastructure that delivers cost-effective IT services across the WAn. specifically,
Microsoft Windows Branch Office Appliance solutions incorporate Microsoft Windows server 2003 r2
and Microsoft IsA server 2006 and allows for the export of network services such as Active Directory,
Domain name service (Dns), Windows Internet name service (WIns), Dynamic host control protocol
(Dhcp), etc.–functionalities not permitted in the IsA server–only sKUs.
Benefits of the Branch Office Appliance solution include:
» Operational efficiency and reduced cost
» Security and reliability
» Productive workers
Windows Server 2003 r2 provides the underlying technology that can be used to simplify integration
of branch office servers into the IT environment. With Windows server 2003 r2, companies can
maintain the performance, availability, and productivity benefits of a local branch office server while
avoiding the negative issues that are typically associated with branch office environments, such as
limited connectivity and management overhead.
Windows Server 2003 r2 helps to:
» keep the business running smoothly by utilizing faster data replication
» Manage infrastructure more easily with centralized management tools
reduce administrative costs by minimizing the need for local backup
Microsoft Windows Branch Office Appliance is an integrated platform delivering essential services
for operating and protecting an isolated network in branch offices tethered by WAn or the Internet
to corporate data centers. oEMs can quickly develop and deploy this solution as an addition to their
server or dedicated server appliance portfolio, broadening their offerings and providing a more
complete solution set to their customers.
oEM lICEnSablE ProduCTS
WILL the SeRVeR Be
designed to participate in a Microsoft cluster?
» 32-bit only
» 5 CALs included
» add’l CALs available
Microsoft Windows Branch Office Appliance
enterprise edition (1 CPU, 5 CAL)
If yEs,
If nO,
Microsoft Windows Branch Office Appliance
standard edition (1 CPU, 5 CAL)
» 32-bit only
» 5 CALs included
» add’l CALs available
MICroSofT SySTEM CEnTEr daTa ProTECTIon ManaGEr 2006
for EMbEddEd SySTEMS
Microsoft system center Data protection Manager (DpM) 2006 is a server software application that
is designed from the ground up to optimize disk-based backup and recovery. DpM provides efficient,
near-continuous protection of critical data and removes the burden of scheduling and tracking
backup jobs and maintaining backup systems on multiple servers. dPM provides a smart solution for
centralizing backups within a data center or backing up remote or branch office servers over a WAn to
a central location.
By centralizing protected data on a server using DpM, DpM enables rapid disk-based recovery of files,
folders, shares, and servers, saving administrators time and reducing the downtime cost associated
with recovery. DpM provides flexible synchronization and replica options that enable administrators
to fine-tune synchronization and replica behavior to match their business requirements and operating
environment. As a result, DpM delivers superior data protection value by providing a low-cost, high-
speed way to safeguard critical data and to quickly recover it when necessary.
Microsoft data Protection Manager 2006 for Embedded Systems is designed for use with Microsoft
Windows server 2003 r2 for Embedded systems (see page 4) or Windows storage server 2003 r2 (see
page 5). Both the operating system and DpM software must be preinstalled on the dedicated server or
server appliance solution. a run-time version of Sql Server is included with the license of dPM. This
Sql Server license is for use only with dPM and cannot be used as a stand-alone database or for
other applications.
TyPICal dPM InSTallaTIon
disk-based backup and
recovery server
flexible byte-level
replication server
active directory
Tape backup
» Tape integration server
file Servers
dPM Server
Tape Server
oEM lICEnSablE ProduCT
» 5 CALs included,
Microsoft System Center Data Protection
» 3 server agent licenses
Manager 2006 for embedded Systems
included, add’l server
agents available
(3 DPML)
SQL Server included
» run-time version of
14 MICroSofT Sql SErvEr 2005 for EMbEddEd SySTEMS
Microsoft Sql Server 2005 for Embedded Systems is an advanced database platform providing
enterprise-class data management with integrated business intelligence tools. The Sql Server 2005
database engine provides more secure, reliable storage for both relational and structured data,
enabling easy to manage, highly available, and high-performance data applications. Additionally, sQl
server 2005 combines Microsoft’s best available technology for analysis, reporting, integration, and
notification. Benchmarked for scalability, speed, and performance, sQl server 2005 is a fully enterprise-
class database product, providing core support for XMl and Internet queries.
sQl server 2005 delivers increased security, scalability, and availability to enterprise data and analytical
applications, while making them easier to build, deploy, and manage.
Sql Server 2005 for Embedded Systems is a run-time edition of Sql Server 2005 available to oEMs
who want to use Sql Server 2005 as a database for embedded applications. Sql Server 2005 for
Embedded systems is the same as the generally available, retail version of sQl server 2005. The key
difference is that sQl server 2005 for Embedded systems must be used as a database for a specified
embedded application, where clients do not interact directly with the sQl server database.
Sql Server 2005 for Embedded Systems is designed for use with Windows Server 2003 for Embedded
systems (see page 4). Both the operating system and sQl server 2005 software must be preinstalled on
a dedicated server or server appliance solution.
document imaging database server
» Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003
database server
» Integrated voice messaging system
database server
» Miscellaneous database servers for
qualifying embedded application(s)
oEM lICEnSablE ProduCTS
have 2 or fewer processors?
» 32-bit only
» available per processor oR
with CALs
Microsoft SQL Server 20051
If yEs,
Workgroup edition
If nO,
need to support database mirroring and clustering and have
4 or fewer processors?
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
standard edition
» 32-bit or 64-bit versions
» available per processor oR
with CALs
If yEs,
If nO,
will the server need to support database mirroring, clustering,
partitioning, parallel index operations, index views, and online
indexing and restore?
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
enterprise edition
» 32-bit or 64-bit versions
» available per processor oR
with CALs
If yEs,
1note: previous versions of sQl server, including sQl server 2000 for Embedded systems, are also available for license. please contact a Microsoft
authorized Embedded distributor for details.
Sql SErvEr 2005 daTabaSE aPPlICaTIon PlaTforM
user experieNce
Microsoft Sql Server 2005
embedded applicatioN
soa & embedded process
data maNagemeNt
iNfrastructure aNd maNagemeNt laYer
EvaluaTIon SofTWarE
EvaluaTE bEforE you lICEnSE
Windows Embedded Server products are available for evaluation prior to licensing. To get
Windows Embedded server products evaluation software, either order an evaluation kit from a
Microsoft authorized Embedded distributor or download online at:
EvaluaTIon SofTWarE ProduCT kEyS
Some Windows Embedded Server products evaluation software require a unique product key
to activate at time of installation. required product keys are provided automatically if and when
the Windows Embedded Server products evaluation software is downloaded online. If obtained
on physical media (on disc) within an evaluation kit, required product keys can be obtained by
completing a simple online registration at:
oEM PrEInSTallaTIon kITS
Microsoft provides the tools required for oEMs to quickly design dedicated server and server
appliances solutions based on the Microsoft server product portfolio technology. These tools are
called OEM preinstallation Kits (OpKs), and they jump-start the process of building a dedicated
server or server appliance solution running Windows Embedded Server products.
To obtain appropriate Windows Embedded server products OpKs, OEMs must first sign an OEM
customer license Agreement (OEM clA). see the licensing Overview and how to license: A
General Illustration within this product guide for more information.
16 MICroSofT WIndoWS EMbEddEd SErvEr ProduCTS lICEnSInG
Windows Embedded Server products are available for use in dedicated server and server appliance
solutions by licensed oEMs only. Windows Embedded Server products can be licensed through
Microsoft Authorized Embedded Distributors and, in certain high-volume cases, directly from
Microsoft. To obtain a courtesy copy of the licensing provisions for the products summarized in the
tables on pages 4-14, please contact a Microsoft Authorized Embedded Distributor.
hoW To buy
Microsoft has a network of worldwide distributors responsible for licensing Windows Embedded Server
products. Microsoft authorized Embedded distributors have been chosen to offer Windows Embedded
Server products because of their unique strengths in the industry. find a distributor in your region at:
Microsoft provides a clearly defined licensing process, product information, tools, and resources to
ensure greater productivity and fast time-to-market for oEMs and developers building dedicated
server and server appliance solutions running Microsoft Windows Embedded Server products.
WIndoWS EMbEddEd SErvEr ProduCTS CoMPonEnTS
It is helpful to understand the basic software components of a dedicated server or server appliance
solution running Windows Embedded Server products. The following diagram provides a useful outline
and helps distinguish available options and opportunities for oEMs to build unique solutions running
Windows Embedded Server products.
TyPICal oEM ProduCT dEvEloPMEnT and lICEnSInG STEPS:
1 Evaluate Windows Embedded Server products software
2 Prepare prototype and test proof of concept
3 Contact your Microsoft authorized Embedded distributor to determine which product to
use and request OEM clA and associated Additional licensing provisions (Alps) for review
sign the OEM clA, return to the distributor, and request appropriate Windows Embedded
Server product oPk
5 Design, develop, and test server prototype and install the selected Windows Embedded
server products and embedded application (if applicable)
lock down the operating system for fixed function use (if applicable)
prepare and clone final image for manufacture
8 Perform qa & Test systems
9 Activate the operating system using the Windows product Activation (WpA) method or
system lock preinstallation (slp) if and when the OEM is eligible for slp by shipping 100
units or more during the previous 12 months
10 ship each system with the required Microsoft software license Terms and certificate of
Authenticity (cOA) affixed to the outside of the server enclosure
11 obtain a WindowsEmbedded Server Marketing and Technical resources Toolkit from your
distributor or Microsoft Account Manager, and begin marketing and selling Windows
Embedded Server–based solution
hoW To lICEnSE: a GEnEral IlluSTraTIon
Windows Embedded Server products licensing is a straightforward process once the correct product to
license is identified.
a general illustration on how to license Windows Embedded Server products is described below. The
licensing process may vary per product and is subject to change, so please check with your Microsoft
authorized Embedded distributor for exact details.
STaGE 1: fInd a dISTrIbuTor
» Identify a Microsoft authorized Embedded distributor in your region
• Contact a Windows Embedded authorized distributor today
for specific licensing details and access to the complete set of
development tools available to help bring your dedicated server
to market quickly
• authorized distributors can provide Microsoft Windows
Embedded Server Evaluation kits and licensing information
• In certain, high-volume cases, OEMs can license directly
from Microsoft
In the left-hand navigation select Become an oeM >>
Licensing information
Select your region
Select a Microsoft authorized embedded server distributor
• oEM contacts Microsoft authorized Embedded distributor
• oEM obtains a Windows Embedded Server Evaluation kit from a
distributor, a Microsoft manager, or online using
and obtains relevant product keys, if applicable
• distributor provides a Microsoft oEM Cla for embedded systems
and a courtesy copy of the alPs for the Microsoft Windows
Embedded Server product of interest
oEM Cla. a standard set of general terms and conditions that each
oEM must sign in order to acquire Microsoft Windows Embedded
Server products licenses.
alPs. Alps define product use rights and restrictions specific to each of
the individual Microsoft Windows Embedded Server products.
STaGE 3: SIGnEd oEM Cla
• for eligible products, distributor provides OEM with OpK
oPk. Kits that include software and tools relevant to the specific
Windows Embedded Server products being licensed.
• oEM completes development of the master embedded
server image
• OEM contacts distributor to order run-time licenses, Associated
product Materials (ApM), and cAls, if applicable
• OEM may create and reproduce, or have a Microsoft Authorized
replicator reproduce, a recovery cD/DvD
run-time license. After ordering run-time licenses, the OEM will
receive aPM from the distributor. aPM consists of materials Microsoft
designates that are required for distribution with the embedded system.
ApM typically includes at least two items—the cOA and the Alps that
include specific Microsoft software license Terms. Each embedded
system being distributed requires a run-time license. depending on
the product(s) licensed, a cAl may be required for each user or device
(or combination of both) that accesses or uses the Windows Embedded
Server products server software.
• oEM may want to consider engaging support through an oEM
Engineering contract (see page 18)
Product activation. prior to distribution to end customers, the OEM
must activate the Windows Server 2003–based product through one
of two options: 1) WpA method—a manual procedure that requires an
Internet connection or 2) slp—an automated activation procedure.
oEMs become eligible to use SlP by shipping 100 units or more in the
previous 12 months.
• oEM activates the Windows Embedded Server products
STaGE 6: dISTrIbuTIon and SalES
Coa. A serialized label affixed to devices containing embedded
Microsoft operating systems. The cOA is the primary antipiracy tool,
product tracking tool, and proof of purchase. The product-specific
name is printed on the label.
• Customer distributes embedded systems with a Coa and
Microsoft Software license Terms as required
Microsoft Software license Terms. The terms and conditions that
must be passed through to the end user, packaged together with the
dedicated server or server appliance when shipped.
18 addITIonal rESourCES
Explore existing OEM solutions running Windows Embedded server products, review licensing
resources, download evaluation software, and find a Microsoft Authorized Embedded Distributor at:
Get to know the portfolio of integrated server software products that provides the infrastructure for IT
operations, application development and integration, security, and collaboration at:
review product overviews and find answers to product-specific questions at:
Windows Branch Office Appliance
find hardware specifications for dedicated servers and server appliance solutions running on Windows
Embedded Server products that come with the Server appliance Software 3.0 at: http://msdn
Windows Embedded Server licenses are only distributed through Microsoft authorized Embedded
distributors. authorized Embedded distributors provide valuable information and resources that help
support oEMs in bringing Windows Embedded Server solutions to market quickly.
Microsoft authorized Embedded distributors can aid oEMs with Windows Embedded Server products
in several ways, including:
» Providing Windows Embedded Server Evaluation kits
» helping choose the right product and navigating the licensing process
» Providing evaluation software and oPks
facilitating the build process with technical support and by offering value-added services
discussing pricing and licensing options and selling run-time licenses
» Supporting oEMs to bring new Windows Server–based dedicated server or server appliance
solutions to market quickly
find a distributor in your region at:
To remain competitive in today’s marketplace, it is imperative to accelerate time-to-market of high
quality, differentiated hardware and software solutions. Microsoft’s OEM services group provides
access to a team of technical professionals who possess deep industry knowledge and focus solely on
helping you build and ship quality products on Microsoft platforms. Contact us for more information
frEquEnTly aSkEd quESTIonS
1 Why would an oEM choose a Windows Embedded Server product over a nonembedded version
of the product? Microsoft has developed specific solutions to answer customers’ embedded server
needs. These Windows Embedded Server versions offer lower royalty rates due to the licensing
terms that restrict how they can be used. This can result in lower development costs that an oEM
can pass through to end customers.
2 are per user or per client Cals required for server solutions running Windows Embedded Server
products? In many cases, cAls are not required for dedicated server and server appliance solutions
running Windows Embedded Server products.
3 Can ISv solutions designed to run on Windows Server 2003 run on the embedded versions available
as Windows Embedded Server products? yes, in most cases, Isv solutions designed to run on
Windows Server 2003 can run on the embedded versions where licensing restrictions permit. This
provides oEMs an opportunity to add unique value to their dedicated server and server appliance
solutions running Windows Embedded Server products.
4 are there any features removed from Windows Server 2003 in the embedded versions available as
Windows Embedded Server products? no, the core operating system is the same. The difference
is in the OEM’s license rights and restrictions, as summarized for each product within this
product guide.
5 What is the best source for detailed licensing information and support? detailed licensing
information and support can be obtained from a Microsoft authorized Embedded distributor. for a
does Microsoft license Windows Embedded Server products directly to oEMs? In certain high-
volume cases oEMs can license directly from Microsoft. Contact your Microsoft account Manager to
see if you qualify.
7 Where can I learn more about nonembedded Windows Server products?
The Windows server 2003 r2 operating system extends Windows server 2003, providing a more
efficient way to manage and control access to local and remote resources while at the same time
integrating easily into your existing Windows Server 2003 environment. Windows Server 2003
r2 provides a scalable, security-enhanced Web platform and enables new scenarios, including
simplified branch server management, improved identity and access management, and more
efficient storage management. The r2 release builds upon the increased security, reliability, and
performance provided by Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1.
Windows small Business server 2003 r2 (sBs) is an advanced IT solution designed to help you
protect your data, do more with less, and connect with customers like never before. sBs 2003 r2
provides small businesses with many of the features used by large companies – e-mail, Internet
connection, internal Web sites, remote access, support for mobile devices, file and printer sharing,
backup and restore – all in one affordable, integrated solution.
20 ProduCTS aT-a-GlanCE CharT
WIndoWS SErvEr 2003 rETaIl vS. WIndoWS EMbEddEd SErvEr ProduCTS
WIndoWS SErvEr
2003 r2
lInE-of-buSInESS aPPlICaTIonS
fIrEWAll, vpn, AnD WEB cAchE
fIlE SErvICE ovEr nETWork
nETWork InfraSTruCTurE SErvICES
MICroSofT nETWork load balanCInG
CalS rEquIrEd
note: bold text is used to indicate where Windows Embedded Server products
licensing provisions differ from the retail version of Windows Server 2003.
*Microsoft Windows Storage Server supports Microsoft SharePoint and Single
Instance Storage and is available in editions with iSCSI management.
WIndoWS SErvEr
2003 r2 for
(pAgE 04)
SErvEr 2003 r2*
(pAgE 05)
WIndoWS SErvEr
2003 r2 for
WIndoWS branCh
offICE aPPlIanCE
(pAgE 12)
WIndoWS SErvEr
2003 for EMbEddEd
SErvEr aPPlIanCE
SofTWarE 3.0
InTErnET and
AccElErATIOn (IsA)
SErvEr 2006
(pAgE 06)
(pAgEs 10-11)
r1 with sp1
r1 with sp1
wEb UsEr
cachE OnLy
pOp3 MaiL
OnLy (VOicE
with sas tELcO)
© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. all rights reserved. This document is for informational purposes only.
MIcrOsOfT cOrpOrATIOn AnD ITs AffIlIATEs MAKE nO WArrAnTIEs, EXprEss Or IMplIED, In ThIs sUMMAry.
The information contained in this document is subject to revision and may be revised at any time. This document does not give you or your organization
any license to any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document.
Microsoft Active Directory, Outlook, sharepoint, visual studio, Windows, the Windows logo, and Windows server are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the united States and/or other countries. all other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
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